Monday, July 11, 2022

Question To make file , hide, Search file .pdf


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.





D:\>mkdir theory

D:\>cd theory

D:\theory>mkdir practical


D:\theory>cd practical

D:\theory\practical>copy con mark.txt

hello world


        1 file(s) copied.


D:\theory\practical>type mark.txt

hello world

D:\theory\practical>rename mark.txt message.txt


D:\theory\practical>attrib message.txt -h


D:\theory\practical>attrib message.txt +h

D:\theory\practical>attrib message.txt -h



D:\>dir S*.*

 Volume in drive D is Local Disk

 Volume Serial Number is E691-4D67

 Directory of D:\


04/01/2021  12:09 PM    <DIR>          Share

01/05/2022  05:37 PM            31,159 signature.psd

06/22/2021  03:00 PM           137,550 sital-pc.png

09/22/2020  11:23 AM           169,784

07/04/2022  11:17 PM    <DIR>          Software

               3 File(s)        338,493 bytes

               2 Dir(s)   9,613,291,520 bytes free




D:\>dir *.png


D:\>dir *.pdf

09/13/2020  08:29 AM         2,395,437 frenetic-icfp11-slides.pdf

09/13/2020  08:18 AM           889,497 lecture01-introduction.pdf

09/13/2020  08:26 AM           825,831 rec_proxy_rkh_3.pdf

12/01/2021  07:03 PM           638,196 vaccine sital.pdf

              11 File(s)     46,201,140 bytes

               0 Dir(s)   9,613,291,520 bytes free

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